WooCommerce Easy Checkout Field Editor Changelog

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This article belongs to our plugin : WooCommerce Easy Checkout Field Editor

== Changelog ==

Version 3.7.0 (19 June 2024)

- Fix - Potential bug on admin side.

Version 3.6.1 (25 January 2024)

- Enhancement - Option to define file upload size.
- Enhancement - Proper formatting of js code.
- Enhancement - Handing of file upload. 
- Fix - Backend UI glithes. 

Version 3.5.16 (10 January 2024)

- 3.5.16 (10 January 2024)  - Enhancement - Added two more dynamic visibility conditions Customer total spent and customer order count.
- 3.5.15 (10 January 2024)  - Fix - Dynamic visibility rules not working on core address fields.
- 3.5.14 (06 January 2023)  - Fix - Debug error on settings page.
- 3.5.13 (26 December 2023) - Fix - Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability Reported by Patchstack (https://patchstack.com/database/report-preview/85108a16-1dc9-4216-a555-c4f76623426a)
- 3.5.12 (22 December 2023) - Fix - bug with multiselect conditional fields.
- 3.5.11 (22 December 2023) - Fix - bug with conditional fields. 
- 3.5.10 (21 December 2023) - Fix - Statefield not working as half last.
- Version 3.5.9 (21 December 2023) - Fix - Debug error on frontend datepicker.
- Version 3.5.8 (21 December 2023) - Enhancement - Styling improments in backend UI.
- Version 3.5.7 (20 December 2023) - Fix - Debug Error with previous release.
- Version 3.5.6 - Fix - Fatal error with previous release.
- Version 3.5.5 - Fix - Backend UI not showing user role select.
- Version 3.5.4 - Fix - Styling issues in backend.
- Version 3.5.3 - Fix - bug with previous release.
- Version 3.5.2 - Enhancement - Possibility to use allowtimes for each timepicker and datetimepicker field. 
- Version 3.5.1 - Enhancement - Possibility to disable specific dates for each datepicker,datetimepicker field. 

- Enhancement - Added Dynamic visibility. 

- Enhancement - Show checkout fields based on variation conditions.
              - Show specific checkout field if cart value is greater then specified.
              - Show specific checkout field if user role is specified. 
              - And Many More dynamic conditions. 

Version 3.4.4 (16 December 2023)

- Version 3.4.4 (16 December 2023) - Enhancement - Sending users to billing fields tab after plugin activation.
- Version 3.4.3 (16 December 2023) - Enhancement - Display notice in backend if new woocommerce block checkout is detected.
- Version 3.4.2 (16 December 2023) - Fix- Added version number to js files. 
- Version 3.4.1 (16 December 2023) - Fix- restoring default fields in case fields are not saved in backend.
- Fix - xss security vulnerability.
- Enhancement - Improved hpos compatibility. 
- Enhancement - Fixed bugs with conditional fields. 

Version 3.3.8 (14 December 2023)

- Version 3.3.8 (14 December 2023) - Fix - Javascript console error.
- Version 3.3.7 (13 December 2023) - Fix - issue with plugin updater. 
- Version 3.3.6 (13 December 2023) - Enhancement - Increase UI element scroll.
- Version 3.3.5 (13 December 2023) - Enhancement - Option to have default date time for each field. 
- Version 3.3.4 (13 December 2023) - Enhancement - Prevent datepicker , datetimepicker etc fields to fill previous order values. 
- Version 3.3.3 (12 December 2023) - Enhancement - Add fees for each product in cart. 
- Version 3.3.2 - Enhancement - Add new fees/discount type (Add/deduct equal to price of specific product).
                - Fix         - Bug - file upload not working conditionaly under checkbox.
- Version 3.3.1 - Fix - bug with previous release.
- Enhancement - Added file upload field type. 
- Enhancement - Possible to add custom field type without editing plugin code. 
- Fix - Some known bugs.

Version 3.2.22 (07 December 2023)        - Enhancement - Frontend css improvements.  
Version 3.2.21 (07 December 2023)        - Fix - debug error.  

Version 3.2.20 (07 December 2023)        - Fix - Wrongly showing "Add Billing Field" instead of "Add shipping field" and "Add Additional Field".  

Version 3.2.19 (07 December 2023)        - Fix - Radio field issue with conditional fields.    

Version 3.2.18 (07 December 2023)        - Enhancement - Major UI improvements on way new fields be added.                                   
                                         - Enhancement - Replaced lot of old code with new js code.
Version 3.2.17 (06 December 2023)        - Fix - Debug error related to previous release.
Version 3.2.16 (06 December 2023)        - Enhancement - Added browse fields button after field type select.                             
                                         - Fix - Separater text not working if disable past is chosen.
Version 3.2.15 (06 December 2023) 

- Version 3.2.15 (06 December 2023)      - Fix - Conditional field visibility not working on additional fields. 
                                         - Fix - Conditional rules not getting saved in backend.
- Version 3.2.14  (06 December 2023)     - Enhancement- Added option to use custom daterangepicker separater. 
- Version 3.2.13  (06 December 2023)     - Fix - Maxcharechter leangth not working with textarea in additional fields.                                  - Enhancement - Improvement in fees and discounts table.
- Version 3.2.12 (05 December 2023)      - Enhancement - Feature to clone fields.
- Version 3.2.11 (04 December 2023)      - Enhancement - Separated Field specific visibility from other visibility.
- Version 3.2.10 (03 December 2023)      - Fix - Condtional fields not working when nested under conditonal field.
- Version 3.2.9 (03 December 2023)      - Fix - Bug related to previous release.
- Version 3.2.8 (03 December 2023)      - Fix - Conditional fields rendering empty as value.
- Version 3.2.7 (03 December 2023)      - Enhancement - UI improvements in backend. 

- Version 3.2.6 (02 December 2023)      - Enhancement - Added interval check to auto update to improve perfomance. 
                                        - Enhancement - Updated Get domain validation url.
- Version 3.2.5 (01 December 2023)      - Fix - Field values are not being restored to original values.
- Version 3.2.4 01 December 2023        - Added interval to update check.
                                        - Fix - Checkbox showing emply as child field value when checked.
- Fix (Version 3.2.3)                   - Backend button styling.
- Fix (Version 3.2.2)                   - Bug related to previous release.
- Fix (Version 3.2.2)                   - Bug related to previous release.
- Fix (Version 3.2.1)                   - Bug related to previous release.
- Enhancement - Replaced simple option selecter with value and text selecter.
- Enhancement - Drag and drop ui to sort option value.
- Enhancement - WPML compatibility with field specific conditonal visibility.

Version 3.1.21 (30 November 2023) 

- Version 3.1.21 (30 November 2023) - Enhancements - Added changelog support to automatic updates.
- Version 3.1.20 (30 November 2023) - Fix - Issue with wrong domain detection.
- Version 3.1.19 (29 November 2023) - Fix - Required attribute not working with select2 on core address fields.
- Version 3.1.18 (29 November 2023) - Fix - Default option not working on core address fields.
- Version 3.1.17 (29 November 2023) - Fix - Select2 placeholder issue.
- Version 3.1.16 (24 November 2023) - Enhancements - Improvments in backend css.
- Version 3.1.15 (24 November 2023) - Bugfix that prevents fields display in order emails and thank you page.
- Version 3.1.14 (24 November 2023) - Bugfix that prevents older values to be restored in conditonal rules.
- Version 3.1.13 (23 November 2023) - Added License Validation reminder.
- Version 3.1.12 (23 November 2023) - Removed description table on fees tab.
- Version 3.1.11 (23 November 2023) - Load equal to value via ajax select for fees.
- Version 3.1.10 - Enhancement - Backend UI improvement related to conditonal fields rules.
- Version 3.1.9  - Update plugin inside author links including contact support etc.
- Version 3.1.8  - Enhancement - Improvement in fields styling in order emails.Follows same styling as woocommerce core. 
- Version 3.1.7  - Enhancement - Option to have checkbox selected by default.
- Version 3.1.6  - Enhancement - Improvement in backend UI.
- Version 3.1.5  - Fix - Issues arised after 3.1.3.
- Version 3.1.4  - Fix - Issues arised after 3.1.3.
- Version 3.1.3  - Fix - Added ajax handling of loading of options fields for conditonal rules. 
- Version 3.1.2  - Fix - Number fields not allowing checkout when hidden and required

- Fix - Issues with conditional rules ui in backend
- Enhancement - Overall handling of conditonal fields

Version 3.0.4 (21 November 2023) 
Version 3.0.4 (21 November 2023) - Enhancement - Hidden required fields are deleted after order is submitted.
Fix Version 3.0.3 (15 November 2023)  - Added inbuilt auto update feature.
Fix - added hpos compatibility.
Version 2.9.0 (12 September 2023) 
- Fix - conditional hidden fields not working when required. 

Version 2.8.9 (13 April 2023) 
- Version 2.8.9 (13 April 2023)    - Fix - Percentage fees not working with multiselect/checkbox.
- Version 2.8.8 (25 March 2023)    - Fix - Debugg error.
- Version 2.8.7 (25 March 2023)    - Enhancement- Hide field if all product in cart is virtual.
- Version 2.8.6 (24 March 2023)       - Enhancement- Hide field if product is downloadable.
- Version 2.8.4 (19 December 2022) - Enhancement - Displays radio buttons inline.
                                   - Fix - First Option Auto selected for select and radio field.
- Version 2.8.2 (20 November 2022) - Custom label for checkout fees.
                                   - Country, city fields included into chekout fees.
- Version 2.8.1 (19 November 2022) - Added important hook for demo.
- Enhancement - Added Conditional Shipping specific visibility.
- Enhancement - Added Conditional Payment Gateway specific visibility.
- Enhancement - Added decimal support for fees.
- Enhancement - Optionaly make fees taxable or not taxable.

Version 2.7.4 (10 November 2022)

- Version 2.7.4 (10 November 2022)- Added default option support for radio field.
- Version 2.7.3 (04 October 2022) - Fix - Placeholder not working for select field.
                                    Fix - Replaced _ with space on field value output on order pages.
                                    Fix - Prevent first option as default on backend.
- Version 2.7.2 (24 August 2022) - Enhancement - Default option for select field.
- Version 2.7.1 (19 August 2022) - added maxleangth support for textarea field.
- Enhancement - Added support for percentage type in additional fees section.
Version 2.6.3 (25 march 2022)
- Version 2.6.3  (25 march 2022)   - Enhancement - Added spanish translation.
- Version 2.6.2  (01 february 2022) - Fix - Order not working properly on frontend.
- Version 2.6.1  (28 January 2022) - Permission related issue while restoring fields.
- Enhancement - Hide hidden required fields in order details.
- Enhancement - Make hidden fields unrequired when hidden.
Version 2.5.6 (21 November 2021)
- Version 2.5.6 (21 November 2021) - Fix - Order did not work properly.
- Version 2.5.5 (14 November 2021) - Fix - Field specific conditional visibility not working on core address fields.
- Version 2.5.4 (08 November 2021) - Enhancement - Added french to datepicker languages list.
- Version 2.5.3 (14 August 2021) - Fix - fixed duplication of additional fields.
- Version 2.5.2 (29 July 2021) - Fix - js conflict with authorize.net payment geteway.
- Version 2.5.1 (28 July 2021) - Fix - Issue with previous update.
- Enhancement - Added fees based on field value.
Version 2.4.2 (22 july 2021)
- Version 2.4.2 (22 july 2021) - Enhancement - Improvement in styling in order emails.
- Version 2.4.1 (02 july 2021) - Ability to change field key.
- Enhancement - Improvement in backend UI.
- Enhancement - Improved checkbox styling for order comments in backend. 
- Enhancement - Added copy to clipboard icon for field key. 
- Enhancement - Added frontend icon on settings tab.  
Version 2.3.4 - 25 june 2021
- Version 2.3.4 - Fix - hide child conditional field when parent field is not visible. 
- Version 2.3.3 - Fix - hides additional information when order comments is hidden by product specific visibilty.
- Version 2.3.2 - Fix - hides additional information upon hiding order notes.
- Version 2.3.1 - Enhancement - checkbox css on backend.
                - Fix - Core address field label were not visible on order email,conformation and edition page.
- Enhancement - Option to change datetimepicker and daterangepicker language.
- Enhancement - Option to change start day in datetimepicker and daterangepicker.
- Enhancement - Improvement in backend button CSS. 
- Enhancement - Added link to frontend on admin page. 
- Enhancement - Updated momentjs library to latest version. 
- Enhancement - Wrapped all frontend js file into jquery no conflict mode. 
- Enhancement - Updated select2,jquery-tageditor libraries to latest version. 
- Enhancement - Replaced all instances of _e and __ with esc_html__. 
Version 2.2.6 - 20 april 2021
- Version 2.2.6 (20 april 2021) - Fix - debug error upon plugin activation.
- Version 2.2.5 (28 february 2021) - Fix - additional fields not getting saved with checkout.
- Version 2.2.4 (14 december 2020) - Fix - debug errors with php 8.
- Version 2.2.3 (14 december 2020) - Fix - first half/second half not working on core address fields.
- Version 2.2.2 (20 november 2020) - Enhancement - added option to exclude days in datepicker.
- Version 2.2.1 (20 november 2020) - Enhancement - added more datepicker formats.
- Enahncement - fix- added guest visibility to role specific when roles are empty.
- Enhancement - added timepicker interval option.
- Enhancement - added timepicker allowed times. 
Version 2.1.3 - 10 september 2020
- Version 2.1.3 (10 september 2020) - Fix - core address field order not changing.
- Version 2.1.2 (02 september 2020) - Fix - core address field order not changing.
- Version 2.1.1 (02 september 2020) - Fix - core address field label not changing.
- Enhancement - Show fields conditionally based on total cart quantity. 
- Enhancement - Show fields conditionally based on cart quantity of specific product or variation. 
- Enhancement - Option to choose datepicker format. 
Version 2.0.8 - 23 august 2020
* Version 2.0.8 (23 august 2020) - Fix - Debug error on checkout page. 
* Version 2.0.7 (22 august 2020) - Fix - Removed label field for billing_address_2 and shipping_address_2.
* Version 2.0.6 (22 august 2020) - Fix - Required attribute not working for core address fields.
* Version 2.0.5 (21 august 2020) - Fix - Display full month text on datepicker output. 
                                   Fix - Debug error related to datepicker. 
* Version 2.0.4 (19 august 2020) - Fix - jquery conflict issue in backend arised after WP 5.5 update.
* Version 2.0.3 (18 august 2020) - Fix - jquery conflict issue in backend arised after WP 5.5 update.
* Version 2.0.2 (18 august 2020) - Added - Format option for datepicker field.
* Version 2.0.1 (18 july 2020) - Fix for shipping field order issue.
* Fix - Use of space for conditional fields
* Fix - Improvement in frontend JS
Version 1.9.0 - 20 February 2019
* Version 1.9.5(20 February 2019)- Fix - Debug error for order comments.
* Version 1.9.4(14 February 2019)- Added - Labels to core address fields.
* Version 1.9.3(23 November 2019)- Added - Settings to manage order notes.
* Version 1.9.2(23 November 2019)- Added - Role specific conditional visibility.
* Version 1.9.1(11 November 2019)- Fix - use default value in select/radio field.
* Added - Paragraph text field
* Enhancement - Increased input text leangh to 100 in backend.
* Enhancement - Increase select/multiselect field options text value limit.

Version 1.8.4 - 20 september 2019
* Version 1.8.4 (20 september 2019) - Fix - Field specific conditional visiblity does not work with variations.
* Version 1.8.3 (05 september 2019) - Add - option to change fields location on thankyou page.
* Version 1.8.2 (30 august 2019) - Fix - debug errors.
* Version 1.8.1 (06 july 2019) - Bugfix - fixed datetimepicker formats.
* Fix - Conditional field specific visibility issue when space is used in options.
* Added multiple condition support for field specific conditional visibility.
* Fix - Bug in reordering fields.
* Added 4 new field support - Datetime picker , time picker , daterange picker , datetime range picker.
Version 1.7.0 - 27 june 2019
* Version 1.7.4(27 june 2019) -  Updated plugin meta data.
* Version 1.7.3(27 june 2019) -  Fix-debug error on order meta page.
* Version 1.7.2(16 june 2019) -  Fix-debug error on order meta page.
* Version 1.7.1(21 march 2019) - Fix-billing state required notice for EU countries.
* Fix - Reordering fields not working.
* Fix - Debug notice related to fields priority.
Version 1.6.0 - 21 may 2018
* Version 1.6.2 (22 may 2018)- Fixed bug related to previous update.
* Version 1.6.1 (22 may 2018)- Fixed debug errors.
* Replaced chosen with select2 in backend.
* Replaced existing product multiselect with ajax multiselect.
* Removed settings tab. 

Version 1.5.0 - 12 december 2017
* Added Heading field.
* Removed Purchase code field in settings section.
* Fix - minor admin side bug.  
Version 1.4.0 - 20 april 2017
* Fixed WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility issues.
version 1.3.0 - 15 september 2016
* Version 1.3.5 (04 october 2016)- Replaced comma,space with pipe,space as separater in options field. 
* Version 1.3.4 (27 september 2016)- Fixed bug with Extra CSS section in newly added billing/shipping fields. 
* Version 1.3.3 (24 september 2016)- Changed plugin update notification text. 
* Version 1.3.2 (22 september 2016)- Fixed lowercase issue with select options on backend. 
* Version 1.3.1 (16 september 2016)- Manage fields under My Account/Edit Address page.
                                  - Added Extra CSS option for each field. 
                          - Show fields data on view order and order confirmation page.
* Added        - Conditional field specific visibility.Hide/Show fields based on value of other fields. 
* Added        - Three new field type : Email , Telephone and Number. 
* Added        - Tag editor for select,multiselect,radio options. 
* Improvement  - Admin UI CSS/JS
* Removed      - Validate on additional fields.
* Fix          - Jquery drag and drop conflict issue.
* Added        - Showing submitted field details in WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips.

version 1.2.0 - 06 november 2015

* version 1.2.6 - Overrides core woocommerce radio field html on checkout page.
* version 1.2.5 - Fixed bug with select2 placeholder.
* version 1.2.4 - Added default po/mo files. 
* version 1.2.3 - Fixed issue with WP Multisite. 
* version 1.2.2 - Improvement in automatic plugin update,fixed bug related to 1.2.0. 
* version 1.2.1 - Fixed two bugs related to 1.2.0 update. 
* Improvement in orderedition field display. 
* Separated option for orderedition fields and order email fields. 
* Added category and product specific field visibility.

Version 1.1.0 - 16 October 2015

* Version 1.1.1 - Some changes in automatic plugin update code to improve performance.
* Fixed bug that prevents custom fields into order emails.

Version 1.0.9 - 15 October 2015

* Fixed debug error related to datepicker field.
* Disabled label change option for core address fields.
* Improvement in automatic plugin update feature.

Version 1.0.8 - 2 October 2015

* Added automatic updates.

Version 1.0.7 - 20 September 2015

* fixed bug related to required validation.

Version 1.0.6 - 15 February 2015

* replaced chosen with select2 on frontend.

Version 1.0.5 - 14 February 2015

* fixed compatibility issues with woocommerce 2.3.3.
* Added option to disable selection of past dates in datepicker.
* Fixed bug that shows wrong field key for additional fields.
* Fixed bug related to shop manager role on order edition page.

Version 1.0.4 - 21 January 2015

* fixed bug related to datepicker arrows.
* displays array into comma separated string into order edition page.
* Fixed bug that prevents additional fields display on order edition page.
* Fixed bug related to additional fields required validation.

Version 1.0.3 - 09 January 2015

* Added less opacity for hidden core fields. 
* minor tweak in backend css and js code. 

Version 1.0.2 - 24 December 2014

* Support for Additional Fields
* Admin side Visual Preview
* Fixed Few minor bugs
* Major Change/Improvement on Admin side as well as frontend side code.
* Verified functionality of all features. 
* Added Chosen select for single dropdown select

Version 1.0.1 - 15 December 2014

* Fixed one minor bug
* Shows custom fields details along with order email

Version 1.0.0 - 12 December 2014

* Initial release
